Gheeta is a giant.

Gheeta is a giant.

The Cashew Queen of Puttlam Village tells the story of Gheetha, a young Sri Lankan entrepreneur who's diminutive stature and meek demeanor belies her giant stature in the hearts and minds of all she touches. She amazes me, and it's my hope that our little film has captured a glimpse of her quiet power.

The One Show Merit Award Winner

The One Show Merit Award Winner

Our film was awarded a One Show Merit award winner in the Branded Entertainment Documentary category. The One Show is largely considered one of the world's most prestigious advertising awards program.

Me getting a tracking shot of Cashews.

Me getting a tracking shot of Cashews.

You can read more about my travels and my days with Gheetha here:


Gheetha and the Cashew Ladies of Puttlam Village

Gheetha and the Cashew Ladies of Puttlam Village

Dedicated to Gheetha and Family, and the Cashew Ladies of Puttlam


From Left: Driver, Dianne, Gheetha's son, Gheetha, Megali, Me

From Left: Driver, Dianne, Gheetha's son, Gheetha, Megali, Me

Produced by VisionFund

Directed by Reggie Schickel

Cinematography by Reggie Schickel

Animated by Reggie Schickel

Assistant Producer – Dianne Lowther

Assistant Producer – Megali Nanayakkara

Technical Advisor - Peter Corina


One of the "Cashew Ladies"

One of the "Cashew Ladies"

Special Thanks:

Gheetha and Family

The Cashew Ladies

Brad Stave

VisionFund Staff

VisionFund Sri Lanka

Family, Friends, and Loved Ones

Taking Polaroids for Gheetha's Family

Taking Polaroids for Gheetha's Family


We're a boutique animation studio based in Austin, TX. We work with brands of all

shapes and sizes to tell stories that inspire.